Memories Within Books

This week’s topic  for Top Ten Tuesday is “Books with Sensory Reading Memories.” But what are sensory memories?

When information is brought in and retained by the senses, this is what is known as sensory memory. The effects are extremely short term with this information forgotten within a few seconds.1

Sensory memories are short-lived however books can help us retain our sensory memories. Reading is a complex process and engages all of our focus/senses for a prolonged experience. So the information brought in by our senses during this time gets better retained in our memory when it becomes associated/connected to our reading experience. This can also work in reverse with a sensory experience reminding us of certain books or stories.

To me, the books with sensory reading memories are older books such that when you take them out of your bookshelf and open them you are filled with a strong feeling of nostalgia for the all the times you read it before.

All the scents, sounds, temperatures, feelings you experienced earlier come rushing back to you at once and you get this strange feeling in your heart. Continue reading “Memories Within Books”

10 Favourite Diverse SFF Short-stories (online)

Hello fellow readers, bloggers and book dragons!

I’ve read a lot of short stories these past nine months and I have been thinking of sharing a few of my favourites. So when I saw this week’s prompt for Top Ten Tuesday, Favourite Novellas/Short Stories, I decided to participate at once. Continue reading “10 Favourite Diverse SFF Short-stories (online)”

Quotes from Summer in Orcus

Summer in Orcus
Cover detail from Summer in Orcus By T. Kingfisher

Sometimes, when you are looking for a new book to immerse yourself in, reading a description or review of a book doesn’t work: it can be too vague or confusing, it may sound uninteresting, or even turn out to be deceptive in some cases. Sometimes going straight to the text is much more satisfying. Here I present to you 21 quotes from the book Summer in Orcus by T. Kingfisher aka Ursula Vernon Continue reading “Quotes from Summer in Orcus”

Rainy Day Reads

It’s been raining all day, with cool winds, and heavy rainfall, continuing after a night of thunder and lightning. While the rain is a welcome respite from the heat of summer, the whole city has just about turned into Venice. So I thought I’d make a post about rainy day books. Continue reading “Rainy Day Reads”